Daily Archives: February 21, 2013


 photo HORIZONTAL-INVITEsm_zps368080e9.jpg

Opening 7:00PM, February 28, 2013

Galería La Central
Carrera 12A No. 77A-72

Felipe Arturo, Otto Berchem, Pia Camil, Nicolás Cárdenas, Jaime Gili, Juan Carlos Haag, Federico Herrero, David Miles, Santiago Reyes, Etta Säfve, Daniel Santiago Salguero.

Horizontal is the first step of an investigation of landscape. The title refers to the traditional format of landscape paintings. In Colombia the most significant school of landscape is the Escuela de la Sabana, where the intention of the artists was to exalt the beauty of the local nature and demonstrate its relation with an appropriate mood.

This exhibition explores some of the possible relationships between the subject and its environment, taking into account the different tensions that arise in the representation and assimilation of space beyond its physical characteristics. Through the result of these negotiations, Horizontal traces a path through the landscape of the contemporary attitude leaving the moral connotation of the romantic landscape, emphasizing the poetic context of the artist’s relationship within their environment.